About Us

DreamMugs is a nonprofit organization in Northern Virginia, founded in 2024.

Vision: Make imagination tangible.
Mission: Empower children with disabilities to express their creativity and imagination through AI-generated art, turning their ideas into cherished products that bring joy to them and their loved ones.

When we saw our 7-year-old daughter’s face light up at her first AI image creation, we thought we had found something special for her. Her creations were filled with a unique joy and happiness that matched her personality perfectly. She loved it so much, she made more images, and each one was a huge hit for her and our family. When she saw we could turn her imaginative thoughts into physical items, she was so proud and wanted to show everyone. Her birthday is coming up and we can’t wait to get her first design on a shirt that’s just her size.

I was first thrilled by how much joy my daughter found in seeing her “crazy” ideas come to life on the computer screen. I knew I had to take it to the next step and show her a personalized product. But before that, I was surprised again by how each one of her creations seemed to speak to someone else in its own unique way. No one had the same favorite image. As Christmas approached, this is what had me thinking about getting personalized items for our family. As I mulled it over more and more, instead of simply sharing the joy her creations brought to my family and loved ones, I came to realize that the real gift would be sharing my daughter’s own experience with other kids like her. This is why we founded DreamMugs.

– Founder and CEO of DreamMugs

Our Priorities

  1. Bring a spark of joy to individuals and their families by making their dreams tangible
  2. Partner with local community programs serving individuals with disabilities
  3. Achieve 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status so support benefits the mission as much as possible
  4. With initial support and success: Collaborate with local social service agencies that serve income-challenged populations to provide free products
  5. Reach beyond the local community
  6. With significant support and success: Provide a “first item free” to all individuals with disabilities